About Us

Royal Milk
Royal Milk is a processing dairy company dedicated to producing and distributing high quality dairy products. We are located in Nalukolongo with a focus on sustainable production practices, welfare and providing fresh and nutritious milk to consumers.
At Royal Milk, we understand the importance of delivering high quality products that meet the highest standards of quality and taste. We have invested in the state of the art facility equipped with modern technology and adhere to strict hygiene and safety regulations to ensure production of premium dairy products.
Our Story
The journey of Royal Milk began in Kijunjubwa – Masindi (Bunyoro Sub region) in the year 1992, when the founder Hajji Buruhani Kigoye started collecting milk from a few farmers and transporting it to Masindi town for sale at his residence. As the demand for milk increased, the company decided to scale up operations and expand to other districts in western Uganda. Today, Royal Milk operates milk collection centers in various towns, collecting an average of 250,000 liters of raw milk per day from more than 200,000 cattle farmers.

To be the number one producer of premium high quality products in East Africa, Africa and beyond.

To deliver high quality dairy products that promote health, sustainability and ethical farming practices .

To establish Royal Milk as a trusted and preferred brand for fresh long milk and yoghurt products capturing a significant market share and ensuring customer satisfaction.
Processing Dairy Products For 30 Years
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